Halloween approaches again, and this time we will use the seeds and bake them for a delicious treat using the video recipe from the fitforafeast youtube channel. The girls show us an easy way to bake pumpkin seeds in the oven on a flat tray.
Using different spices makes them yummy for almost any pallet. The benefit that is coming more to light is that pumpkin seeds are good for the skin too.
Pumpkin seeds contain the mineral zinc that helps with cell rebuilding, skin growth and also helps skin wounds heal faster. One of the best uses of zinc is to combat acne. A natural acne cure? Instead of popping all of those zinc supplements, get the zinc naturally this Halloween season with real pumpkin seeds.
Since the body does not store zinc, we need a regular supply of it to stay healthy, to help skin grow nicer and to get rid of acne. A bad diet can be part of the cause of acne, so combating it with good food will help improve your skin.
So get some pumpkin seeds, watch the free video on how to roast them, and make your own Halloween healthy treat this season. Or you can buy the roasted, prepared pumpkin seeds online.