Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Katrina - Fitforafeast Dancer

Many Youtubers have been creating video montages of Katrina for her upcoming birthday party celebration January 31, 2011.

One well done montage that already has over 200 views on Youtube is:

and there are many more.

It us unbelievable how nice you are in giving back with such beautifully done montages. This is very inspiring for Katrina and Sloane to continue making fitforafeast videos in 2011 and beyond.

Thanks again and remember, you only get one body so take good care of it!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Youtube Viewers Celebrate Katrina's Birthday

Katrina is going to have a birthday party next Saturday and make up a dance with friends for the Fitforafeast Youtube channel.
Some "feasters" already are busy at work making Happy Birthday videos for Katrina. Here is one of the nicest ones by SaraBinsaeed.

Thanks so much for helping Katrina celebrate her birthday, you are wonderful!!

Happy Birthday Katrina!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Fitforafeast in Norway!

Sara from Norway put together this video about Fitforafeast.
The video shows the first year of evolution of the dancing duo - Katrina and Sloane. Although the mainstream media has not yet discovered them, newspapers and magazines including Maclean's, Canada's largest news magazine has found the girls website, Youtube channel and videos online.

Sara did a great job documenting what she learned and what she liked about
the fitforafeast dances, gymnastics and lessons. Thanks to Sara in Norway for being one of the first to put together such a nice documentary video of the rising star dancers. For the age of 12 you are indeed an up and coming reporter :)

Congrats to the girls on reaching 8,000,000 Youtube Video views!