Today there was an interesting article on Yahoo news that proclaims that by
2020, one in three Canadians will have either diabetes or prediabetes.
The article goes on to say that Canadians will spend about 5 billion dollars a year more per year than they do now on health care costs related to diabetes.
In this video, the president of the Diabetes Association, Michael Cloutier says there are 3 things that need to be done and that they know what to do but just aren't doing it. But all three things he mentions are related to putting out the fire rather than preventing it.
If the president of the Diabetes Association himself is more focussed on treating the rampant diabetes rather than also focussing on prevention of the disease, then we are all in a heap of trouble.
"The solution to saving 5 billion a year in health costs by 2020 is to ramp up diabetes prevention through education, sharing of latest results on what increases chances of getting diabetes and a focus on the next generation (kids) to implement that prevention." writes one commenter to this article.
There are kids now that are reaching out to other kids around the world to encourage eating right and exercise in a fun way ( and they are doing it on a shoestring budget.
what we need more of so the next generation leads a more active and healthy lifestyle despite the possibly poor eating and exercise habits of their parents.
The billion dollar problem is left in the hands of two unfunded kids...