Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fit for a Feast in the News - Kids Fitness

Fit for a Feast appeared on the front page of Oakville Today, today.

Katrina and Sloane are reaching out to kids worldwide to get up and get active.  There are so many things kids can do to get and stay fit including dance, gymnastics, walking, running, martial arts, volleyball, soccer or even playing tag, jumprope, trampoline and other fun activities. 

Previously featured on TV news, the duo have just shot another interview with an Ontario TV station to air later tonight on the local news.

Visit for details.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fit For A Feast Montage 2011

A beautiful montage made by fitforafeast fan Loly. 

These montages are getting better all the time and Loly really put alot of great effort into making this one. Great choice of song and also, how did you get all of these images from the vidos online, they look so clear?

Thanks so much, this is wonderful.
