Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fit for a Feast in the News - Kids Fitness

Fit for a Feast appeared on the front page of Oakville Today, today.

Katrina and Sloane are reaching out to kids worldwide to get up and get active.  There are so many things kids can do to get and stay fit including dance, gymnastics, walking, running, martial arts, volleyball, soccer or even playing tag, jumprope, trampoline and other fun activities. 

Previously featured on TV news, the duo have just shot another interview with an Ontario TV station to air later tonight on the local news.

Visit for details.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fit For A Feast Montage 2011

A beautiful montage made by fitforafeast fan Loly. 

These montages are getting better all the time and Loly really put alot of great effort into making this one. Great choice of song and also, how did you get all of these images from the vidos online, they look so clear?

Thanks so much, this is wonderful.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fit For a Feast Celebrates 200 Youtube Videos

Fit For a Feast uploads 200th Youtube Video

Two years and two hundred videos, Katrina and Sloane of have just put together a retrospective video showcasing their 200 videos they have uploaded on Youtube.
It started in preschool when the two first met and they went on to inspire thousands of kids worldwide to lead healthier, funner, fitter lives by taking an interest in their own health, the food they eat and activities such as dance, gymnastics and other sports.

The duo was recently featured on a national newscast and has appeared in magazines and newspapers.

They say they will keep making videos "as long as it is fun".

Here is to the next 200 Fit For a Feast vidoes!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dance Montage- Competitive Dancers Fitforafeast

Just another great montage, thanks so much for putting this together. Great music, titles and you found some cool recent pics!

Fitforafeast is dedicated to budding dancers and gymnasts around the world!

Thanks for support and watching, and visiting the Fitforafeast Website.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Kids Dance Montage - Fitforafeast Katrina and Sloan

There are a growing number of Fitforafeast dance montages online. This one is especially great. Some of the pics were done at a recent photoshoot.

Katrina and Sloane love to dance and are also good at gymnastics. Hope you love dance as much as they do!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Diabetes Prevention can Save 5 Billion Dollars a Year for Canada

Today there was an interesting article on Yahoo news that proclaims that by
2020, one in three Canadians will have either diabetes or prediabetes.
The article goes on to say that Canadians will spend about 5 billion dollars a year more per year than they do now on health care costs related to diabetes.

In this video, the president of the Diabetes Association, Michael Cloutier says there are 3 things that need to be done and that they know what to do but just aren't doing it. But all three things he mentions are related to putting out the fire rather than preventing it.

If the president of the Diabetes Association himself is more focussed on treating the rampant diabetes rather than also focussing on prevention of the disease, then we are all in a heap of trouble.

"The solution to saving 5 billion a year in health costs by 2020 is to ramp up diabetes prevention through education, sharing of latest results on what increases chances of getting diabetes and a focus on the next generation (kids) to implement that prevention." writes one commenter to this article.

There are kids now that are reaching out to other kids around the world to encourage eating right and exercise in a fun way ( and they are doing it on a shoestring budget.

what we need more of so the next generation leads a more active and healthy lifestyle despite the possibly poor eating and exercise habits of their parents.

The billion dollar problem is left in the hands of two unfunded kids...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Dance Party Waka Waka Shakira and On the Floor Jennifer Lopez

Here is the latest dance video from Fitforafeast called Dance Party Africa featuring the songs Waka Waka by Shakira and On the Floor by Jennifer Lopez.

Great dancing along with scenes of Africa. Choreography made up by fitforafeast girls in one afternoon. This dance party was a lot of fun and the ice cream cake was good too!

Visit for more fitforafeast dances.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Katrina - Fitforafeast Dancer

Many Youtubers have been creating video montages of Katrina for her upcoming birthday party celebration January 31, 2011.

One well done montage that already has over 200 views on Youtube is:

and there are many more.

It us unbelievable how nice you are in giving back with such beautifully done montages. This is very inspiring for Katrina and Sloane to continue making fitforafeast videos in 2011 and beyond.

Thanks again and remember, you only get one body so take good care of it!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Youtube Viewers Celebrate Katrina's Birthday

Katrina is going to have a birthday party next Saturday and make up a dance with friends for the Fitforafeast Youtube channel.
Some "feasters" already are busy at work making Happy Birthday videos for Katrina. Here is one of the nicest ones by SaraBinsaeed.

Thanks so much for helping Katrina celebrate her birthday, you are wonderful!!

Happy Birthday Katrina!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Fitforafeast in Norway!

Sara from Norway put together this video about Fitforafeast.
The video shows the first year of evolution of the dancing duo - Katrina and Sloane. Although the mainstream media has not yet discovered them, newspapers and magazines including Maclean's, Canada's largest news magazine has found the girls website, Youtube channel and videos online.

Sara did a great job documenting what she learned and what she liked about
the fitforafeast dances, gymnastics and lessons. Thanks to Sara in Norway for being one of the first to put together such a nice documentary video of the rising star dancers. For the age of 12 you are indeed an up and coming reporter :)

Congrats to the girls on reaching 8,000,000 Youtube Video views!